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How to clean a wound - Home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande

Home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande

There are only a few variables which you can not control in wound treatment. These involve your genetic history or pre-existing medical conditions, all of which can have a significant impact on the ability to heal the wound in your body. But there are other factors, including hygiene, that you have some control on. In fact, proper hygiene is involved in a variety of aspects of effective wound care. Here is some valuable insight about the importance of keeping wounds clean and when to call our home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande.


How to clean a wound

If you or your child gets a cut, scrape or burn, it's important to immediately clean the wound properly to prevent infection. Here is how it can be achieved in five easy steps:


Step 1. Wash Your Hands

Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer to clean your hands, then put on protective gloves where possible Do this before you open your wound or treat burning, scratching, or rubbing someone else's. Covered and clean hands help to avoid infection.


Step 2. Apply Gentle Pressure

This step only applies only when the wound bleeds. Skip this step if you have a burn.

Use a sterile gauze or clean cloth to press the wound gently until it stops bleeding. Small cuts and scrapes do not require pressure. When possible raise the affected portion. If blood is oozing through the fabric or gauze, remove the cover on the wound. Place another clean piece on top, and keep applying pressure.

Step 3. Rinse with Water

No hydrogen peroxide or iodine products are required to thoroughly clean a simple cut or scrape. Just follow the steps below:

  • Rinse the wound to loosen in clear water, and remove dirt and debris.
  • Clean around the wound using a smooth washcloth and mild soap. Don't put soap inside the cut. This can cause irritation and can hurt.
  • Use tweezers to remove any residual dirt or debris after washing. First, disinfect the tweezers with isopropyl alcohol. Don't pick up on the bite. If you can't clean up the cut, call our home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande.


Step 4. Use an Antibiotic Cream or Ointment

Over-the-counter antibiotics to the skin help keep the skin moist and avoid infection. If you have a slight cut or scrape you don't necessarily need to use them. But adding a thin layer will improve the natural healing process of your body, and reduce scarring. If you have burning blisters that break open, doctors may suggest using a topical antibiotic.

Some individuals are allergic to the ingredients of topical antibiotic. If a rash appears, stop using the ointment or cream.


Step 5. Bandage the Wound (Sometimes)

Not all wounds need to bandage. Clean it, if you have a slight scratch or injury, and leave it alone. Otherwise, after washing, put a clean, sterile, non-stick bandage over the wound to help keep the germs out. Use bandages and tape. Paper tape may be less irritating to sensitive skin. Change the bandage at least once a day or every time it gets wet or dirty.

Be especially cautious to cover any cuts or wounds on places like your hands or feet that appear to get dirty or germy. You may want to bandage any wound, such as a cut on your leg, that might rub on fabric. Always cover up severe wounds.


When to call our home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande

Call our home GP for cleaning wounds in Sotogrande if you notice any of the following symptoms. They could mean the wound is infected:

  • Increased swelling or redness
  • Pain that becomes more intense
  • Skin around the wound that feels warm
  • Unpleasant odor when cleaning the wound
  • Unusual or increased drainage
  • Fever or chills

If you have a burn, or a skin-breaking cut, check with our doctor if you need a tetanus booster.